Natural Holiday High! with MAKSIM!!!!!!
Call it a surprise gift from the Gods above to send in your path one of their Kinds, It was really a nerve wecking experience! But Ohhhh It was GOOOOD! I never thought I'd be starstrucked like that before, never did I, have faltered at a sight of a celebrity, I guess in adition of the raging hormones, that made it all happen! thanks to my friends keen eyes she spoted him the moment he passed by, it was really fuuny in a way to see my self running after him with my two friends and trying to get his attention! I was giggling and panting and all! (ala highschool kilig ba daw!) The sight of him, the smell! all five senses of mine went hywire! the momment I got near him! and it was really nice to share that momment with friends! as they say it in the visa commercials!:Parker Pen: PHP 500.00Memo Pad: PHP 150.00A momment with MAKSIM!: PRICELESS!!!!!! I SO....... LOVE HIM!