Tuesday, May 24, 2005

ThE EnDlesS ChaSe oF LifE

Some times its really tiring, you come to a point in your life where in. Your quite content in life, then still there something missing and then it comes, a certain feeling that is quite familiar but every time you feel it; theres always something new about it a new twist well there you go and fall for it you fall inlove you cherrish, you try to hold on exert your every effort for it but still its so fragile that one wrong move it can just break in a split second, you try to pick up and mend it but sometimes it will just give in by it self, and then as you go through the cycle you lose it just like that! and then complete emptiness, how do you cope with something you'v gotten so used to and the all of a sudden you just lose it not knowing where to look, and where to go your just lost

if youv gone thru the same thing over and over again will you still want to get back in the cycle?
the same sick pattern
same familiar feelings

......Sometimes it makes me think...............

There are some fish that can't be caught. It's not that they're bigger or faster then the other fish, they're just touched by something extra.


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