Reaching for Sanity!

It’s been a while since I last posted something, I guess thats how my life has been, nothing much exciting to write about, or no time at all or to realize what’s been happening around me.
Oh well! work has been a mega bitch! Problems and issues left and right are flying in my direction! All I do is finish work, eat dinner, and then crash, I wonder how long I’m gonna be like this, how long I can take this! Lately I have been dragging my self to work, and finding my self making excuses to skip work, I know it sounds bad but things around me has been giving me all the negative vibes which is the last thing I need.
Sometimes I just want to sit down and think and take my own sweet time and appreciate what still remaining with my sanity!
hang on there ok?
things will fall in the right time :)
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